Closed for holidays from January 7th to February 7th (both included).

Artichoke Gourmet Days

The Artichoke Gourmet Days are the second Gourmet Days incorporated to our Restaurant and they have been celebrated since 1995.

The artichoke is one of the most appreciated vegetables in Mediterranean cuisine for its distinctive flavour, meaty texture and nutritional value.

During the Artichoke Gourmet Days, we offer a delicious menu based on the artichoke flower, which due to its versatility, allows the chef to offer balanced elaborations in each dish, highlighting the unique flavours of the Prat artichoke, carefully selected with the help of our supplier.

This fresh and local product will offer you a highly satisfying gourmet experience.


Carpaccio d´Escamarlans amb Carxofes, Espàrrecs Verds i Ceba Caramel·litzada
Cor de Carxofa Farcit de Gambes amb Crema de Crancs i Muselina d´Alls
Lloms de Cueta de Rap al Jabugo amb Puré de Carxofes i les seves Xips
Magret d´Ànec Rostit amb Puré de Carxofes i les seves Xips
Sorbet de mandarines
Escuma de Crema Catalana amb Gelat de Plàtan i Pinya al Rom

Restaurant Recomanat Michellin

travellers choice

Lloret de Mar


little foodies mas romeu

Peix Fresc

family run restaurants

turisme costa brava

destinacio turisme familiar

la selva gastronomica


Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday:

1:00 PM - 4:00 PM

Friday and Saturday:

1:00 PM - 4:00 PM and 8:00 PM - 10:30 PM



Phone: +34 972 367 963



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Restaurant Lloret de Mar

Restaurant Mas Romeu

Avinguda Mas Romeu, 3
17310 Lloret de Mar - Girona - Costa Brava
Tel. 0034 972 367 963